We’re passionate about leadership
“Our purpose is to create inspirational leaders and accelerate performance”
We have a passionate belief that everyone on the planet has greatness inside them. We work with individuals and teams, who are looking for quick wins and long-term performance that is sustainable.
What we do

Motivational Speaking
World records are not broken by individuals, they are set by teams.
8 time world record holder Mark Foster and Ultra cyclist, Author & Executive coach Jim Rees both have compelling stories they share with their audience, if you’re looking to inspire your team to the next level and tap into more of their potential, click below.

1:1 Executive Coaching
Understanding your “Blindspots” and patterns of behaviour is the quickest way to build and broaden your leadership capability and become a more engaging and inspirational leader. Using the emotional intelligence questionnaire, we explore the report in the first exploration session which creates a deep level of awareness.

Leadership Aligment
Team work has rapidly become a competitive advantage nowadays, mainly because it’s so rare! Most teams struggle to articulate a compelling WHY, most know WHAT they do and HOW they do it and yet haven’t come up with a PURPOSE statement that excites all of the people within the organisation.
Who we are

Mark Foster
Mark Foster, 5 time Olympian sprint swim specialist, 8 times World record holder.

Jim Rees
Jim Rees, Ultra Cyclist, Ironman Triathlete, Author and Executive Coach.
Built for Greatness
Sign up to receive an Inspirational quote per week for a full year which will include Jim's take on what each quote means In Today's World.

Continue to greatness
Who we work with

“Jim, Reflecting on our 1:1 coaching sessions, I’d like to thank you not only for the many practical ways that you have helped me think about leadership and raising self awareness but also for the richness and variety of our discussions prompted by the diversity of reading material that we covered together. You have taught me that commitment is not only about depth, effort and energy but above all it is about being in the present moment. The result of this coaching has lead a more sustainable and effective approach at work and a better balance with a hectic home life!”
Simon Dolan
Director of Chemistry GlaxoSmithKline
Latest from the blog

See it, say it, sorted
Recently here in the UK we have had the launch of a national safety campaign with the simple message of “See it, Say it, Sorted” it’s a security campaign for National Rail and when I first heard it in the build up to Christmas I thought that it made complete sense....
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What makes an employee highly engaged?
At the moment I can’t say this figure enough, I’ve known about the global data from Gallup for some years now and it’s never really struck me until just recently when I was thinking about organisations and the constant pressure to perform. 24% is the number of people...
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Is it time for a leadership MOT
How often do we think about going along for a Leadership MOT in our entire career? I know you might be put through your paces if you’re going for a promotion but what about everyone else that isn’t on the fast track or being developed because they are considered as...
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